Hydrocyclones, Separators

gidrociclonHydrocyclone is used for the purpose of initial separation of large particles, abrasive materials, sand, glass, etc. from water.
In addition, hydrocyclone may be successfully used to treat process wastes, especially, in equipment operation workflows when special treatment is required before discharge or return for recycling. Hydrocyclone is an optimal tool for solution of such tasks. Treatment process is relatively simple: substances characterized by different densities are separated at rotation due to a centrifugal force.
Hydrocyclone may be used as an independent treatment unit and in systems consisting of several hydrocyclones connected in series. Hydrocyclones are convenient and durable due to a simple design thereof. Hydrocyclone working surface is very rigid, and its mechanism is heavy-duty.
Hydrocyclone basic advantages: high performance and small dimensions. Hydrocyclones do not require large mounting area in comparison with settling ponds.
Pressure hydrocyclones: units where suspended particles are removed from water due to the centrifugal force formed in swirling flow because of a tangential water input. Downstream the hydrocyclone, water flow has a residual head that simplifies configuration of treatment facilities in a whole.
Free-flow hydrocyclones: units where water is treated in a swirling flow where particles are combined due to an agglomeration process. Free-flow hydrocyclones are used to remove large particles and may be used as treatment stage one to remove basic impurities, and sand trap in process wastes treatment facilities. Use of these hydrocyclones is very efficient for removal of coagulated suspended matters.
Hydrocyclone advantages:
high performance while having a small dimension
separation rating of solid suspended matters with specific weight over 1.0 g/dm3 -  up to 20 mcm (multicyclone)
no rotating mechanisms; the process flows due to a tangential water input;
possibility to create compact automated units;
simple installation and operation.
Sand traps
Sand traps are designed to catch impurities of mineral origin, normally sand with grain size over 0.2 mm.
Sand trap principle of operation is based on the change of solid heavy particles movement in fluid flow.
Sand traps are subdivided into horizontal where fluid flows in a horizontal direction at linear or circular water movement, vertical where fluid flows vertically upwards, and screw ones with forward-rotary water flow. The latter are divided into tangential and aerated sand traps depending on screw movement technique.